A healthy supply chain has healthy Broker and Carrier partnerships where all parties grow and are profitable.

No System/Process,
No Trust
Many Shippers don’t have a TMS system telling them what they need to know, preventing implementation of better processes and standards, while current Carrier/Broker relationships lack trust.

Not Partnerships
Many Shippers don’t know how to maximize their leverage in the marketplace, frequently under or over-leveraging their buying power, leading to Vendorships instead of Partnerships.

Lead Time In
Their Market
Most Shippers aren’t aware of the average Lead Time in their market and overlook the impact of only giving 1-2 days when other Shippers in that market are averaging 3.5 days.

Crazy Spot
Market Pricing
Spot Market volatility is a frequent challenge our Partners experience, and although the market is the market, not having a clear plan you can learn from will make it crazy and unmanageable.

Approach One
START WITH A TMS, You can’t fix a problem you can’t see.
Most Shippers don’t capture important shipping data because the lack of a TMS.
Concept can fill in the gaps to conduct an analysis of your shipping profile in many cases, but in some we start by implementing our TMS so we capture the important data needed to develop a plan and a process to streamline your supply chain.

Approach Two
Some shippers don’t have clear standards they hold partners to. Therefore, they deal with the brokers and dispatchers that update the shipper when they feel like it, or only if delayed.
This is just one of the areas where Concept helps our shippers develop a clear standard to hold your partners to, and can implement full management of your supply chain where Concept enforces your standards and gives you our TMS for full visibility.

Approach Three
If you ship 30 Truckloads per month and are getting beat to the market by a day or more, you are likely costing yourself an extra $100K per year. (360 loads x $300 = $108,000)
It isn’t always feasible for SOME Shippers to provide more Lead Time when their customers need next day pick up, but most of the time we find that Shippers are behind on production and aren’t aware that getting ahead of production can save Tens or even Hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. If you are first to the market with 5 days Lead Time in a market that averages 3.5, and you have good freight and a good reputation, you can typically save around $300 per shipment.

Approach Four
You don’t need 12 Brokers posting your loads and emboldening the Carriers to negotiate your rate up.
Concept isn’t looking for more Shippers to quote, in fact, we are advising many of our clients that if we aren’t covering 25% of your loads through spot quoting, you are better off not having another Broker posting your loads on the boards. Truckload Brokers post your loads on the board, and right now most markets will see anywhere from 3-1 Load-Truck ratios to 10-1 Load-Truck ratios, which means that there could be 300 loads in your market with only 100 trucks to move them, or there could be 1,000 loads in your market with only 100 trucks to move them.

Approach Five
Data has proven time and time again that most Shippers that feel stuck in the Spot Market aren’t actually stuck.
Concept will constantly monitor your freight volumes to certain markets and regions to identify if those volumes can be consolidated and packaged as a regional or lane volume to get more dedicated Carriers and rates, while taking portions of your Truckloads out of the Spot Market.


Concept has helped a few clients save tens of thousands of dollars by helping them get ahead of the market they're are competing for trucks in. Ask us for references.

Spot to Dedicated
Spot to Dedicated
We've helped many partners transition portions of their truckload volumes out of the spot market and into a dedicated scenario, giving them more cost stability and better lane performance.

A Quality TMS
A Quality TMS
Concepts partnership with Tai Software, a leading TMS, has allowed us to give our clients a TMS for better visibility and management of their freight, which leads to better decision making.

Our Diamond and Platinum partners have a clear plan to improve overall performance of their supply chain that evolves through monthly and quarterly reviews of performance to constantly improve.

Honest Analytics
Honest Analytics
We analyze their shipping profile to determine if there are too many cooks in the kitchen, and will be the first to tell a Shipper if we aren't doing them any good or if we aren't a good fit.
ready for a consultation
Let us know your current challenges or questions that you have, so that we can prepare to discuss solutions.
*If you are looking to track a shipment or get proof of delivery please call your dedicated team. This form only connects to the Sales Team and the person who makes things pretty for us.